Thursday, August 7, 2008

Cankles and prayers

Well my big fat cankles combined with high blood pressure and a little protein in my urine got me a 24-hour urine collection! My regular midwife wasn't in today and the other midwife just didn't want to take any chances given my history, but she is pretty sure everything will be fine. They drew some blood to check and those labs will be back in the morning in time for my biophysical profile and NST and then I'll drop off my collection tomorrow around 4. Please say a prayer that all comes back normal and that the swelling goes down.

More prayers are needed for family right now. We had a nephew born today at 15 weeks gestation who only survived 30 minutes before growing his wings and meeting our Maker. My sister-in-law is currently experiencing complications and was in the OR the last time we talked to anyone. Pray for Jason and Kristi that God will wrap them in His loving arms and give them the kind of comfort and peace that can only come from Him. If you want to read more about their story click "Jason" on the sidebar of my blog under "friends".

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